Volunteering Opportunities

2024-25 Season - COMING SOON!

Scroll down for volunteering sign-ups and below you will also find useful and important links to more information about volunteering with RMMHA.

We use SignUpGenius to track all volunteering for Association & Tournament Hours & TeamSnap for Team Hours.

For more information, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@ridgemeadowshockey.com


On-going Opportunities:

Interested in helping out with something specific? Please let us know!

Volunteering Needs:

Helpful Links About Volunteering:

Our members have stepped up in a huge way when it comes to volunteering. Thank you!! All of your time is so appreciated and makes minor hockey possible.

Let's keep it going and make the new season our best season yet!

*Resources for ordering cheques above are for your reference should you need them.  RMMHA is not endorsing them or responsible for their use.

An elected group of volunteers runs RMMHA to ensure the activities and operations of the Association move forward as smoothly as possible. In order to achieve this, the membership must also contribute their time and efforts for each season to be successful. Therefore, the following team volunteer policy is in effect:

Minimum Certifications for Volunteers in Contact with Athletes:

Dressing Room / Bench Monitor Requirements:

  • Criminal Record Check (CRC)
  • Respect in Sport (Activity Leaders)
  • Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit (CATT)

HCSP Requirements:

  • CRC
  • Respect in Sport (Activity Leaders)
  • Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit (CATT)
  • HCSP Certification

RMMHA Volunteer Policy (Revised May 2023)



A) General
1. ALL member families in RMMHA must complete a MINIMUM OF six (6) volunteering hours broken down in the following manner:
· Four (4) Hours For the Association which includes RMMHA Home Tournaments/ Provincials/ Events
· Two (2) Hours For the Team
- A minimum of two (2) of these hours must include Scorekeeping and/or Timekeeping shifts. (One hour of Scorekeeping/ Timekeeping = 1 game regardless of game length)
- Association hours are per family, Team hours are per athlete. (Example: A family with three athletes would be required to participate in a MINIMUM of four (4) hours of Association duties and six (6) hours of Team hours. A MINIMUM of two (2) hours must be scorekeeping/ timekeeping at the Association or Team level.)
2. Definitions of what constitutes an Association or Team “hour” are subject to change, at the discretion of the Executive Board. Current definitions are posted to the website and described in each Association sign up.
3. MINIMUM required hours:
· Association hours will be determined by the Executive Board, and posted on the Association website. (2023-24: Association hours are tracked using SignUpGenius exclusively.)
· Team hours are assigned by the Team Manager and/or Head Coach, or a designate on the Team. (2023-24: Team hours are tracked using TeamSnap exclusively.)
4. Failure to fulfill the obligations of the:
· Association Hours - will be governed by this “RMMHA Volunteering Policy”, and will result in a fee, by way of a deposit cheque (see points B1&2)
· Team Hours - sanctions will be at the discretion of the Team. Sanctions might include an appeal to the Executive Board for freezes on player eligibility, fines in addition to those described above, or a holdback of Team Fee Refund.
B) Process for Tracking Association & Team Volunteer Hours
1. There will be a required deposit amount set annually by the Executive Board and posted to the Association website. If the outcome of executing the policy results in an increase of members “paying out” their obligations, the Executive Board has the power to increase the deposit. Families may NOT "opt-out" of volunteering. (2023-24 Deposit amount is $250 per family.)
2. All families will submit 1 (one) deposit cheque or bank draft in the required amount BEFORE their athlete takes the ice for Training Camp/ Evaluations. Deposit cheques are submitted to the designated association volunteer per family.
3. Volunteer hours must be registered by the users on the current RMMHA Volunteering Software (2023-24: SignUpGenius for Association & TeamSnap for Team). Hours not registered will not be credited or accounted for. There will be no other source of record keeping.
4. Any assessment of a fee/fine cannot be appealed unless evidence is provided that the hours were registered within the current Volunteer Software.
5. Deposited fees will be used as follows:
· To cover any costs associated with the Volunteer software and program; and
· Any excess, after costs, to be set aside in an account to offset any additional expenses involved in running Association activities and to support families who may not have the financial means to enroll their athlete in Ridge Meadows Hockey.
For more information, please get in touch with the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@ridgemeadowshockey.com