Facility Updates

*** UPDATED JAN 24.22 ***



Beginning with tomorrow's ice times - Saturday, October 2 - and moving forward for the foreseeable future, RMMHA has instituted a mandatory mask policy for all athletes from U6 to U21. The previous mask mandate is extended into the U6-U11 divisions in an effort to provide all our athletes who are unable to be vaccinated at this time with an increased level of protection within the facilities.

Athletes must wear masks in all areas inside the Pitt Meadows Arena and Planet Ice facilities, including but not limited to, all common areas and dressing rooms. Athletes are to wear masks in the dressing room before their ice time until their helmet goes on and after their ice time as soon as their helmet is removed.

Nothing has changed for spectators in that the mask mandate from the PHO - all spectators 12 years of age or older must wear a mask at all times inside the facilities. Children under the age of 12 are strongly encouraged to wear masks but the PHO policy does not mandate that action. Coaches must wear a mask in all common areas of the facility including dressing rooms, and are encouraged but not mandated, to wear masks in the field of play.

As a reminder, the Association following Public Health Orders, Viasport direction, and Facility policies allows our athletes to continue to be on the ice, so our Association thanks you for your continued cooperation. Please ensure that you are aware through your team manager or coaches of any specific policies that need to be followed at away game facilities. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to Brad Scott at vpadmin@ridgemeadowshockey.com 

SHARED FACILITY GUIDELINES (If both facilities have a common policy)



Proof of Vaccination


  • October 27, 2021
    The Province of British Columbia has announced starting on September 13th, individuals aged 12 and
    older will be required to have at least one (1) dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine to access certain
    businesses, events, and recreational/social settings. By October 24th, those individuals will then be
    required to have a second dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.Personal Masks
    • As of October 12, 2021, the Province of British Columbia has a mask order for all patrons born in
    2016 or earlier (5+). Unless actively engaged in a sports activity on the ice or field, patrons are
    required to always wear a mask while inside a GSL Facility.Proof of Vaccination
    • Anyone born in 2009 or earlier (except players 12 – 21 years of age participating in a youth sport
    activity) will be required to present proof of vaccination. This includes a digital version or a
    paper copy of the BC Vaccine Passport and 1 piece of photo ID (youth 12 – 18 not required to
    show photo ID). Vaccination cards provided at immunization locations will not be accepted.
    • As of October 26, 2021, adults supervising or assisting with a youth sport activity are required to
    be double vaccinated. This includes coaches, team managers, and safety managers.General Policies
    • No limits on entry times.
    • No dryland (pre-game warm up) permitted within the facilities.
    • No limits on occupancy.
    • Spectators 12 years and younger must remain within arms reach of their guardian.


Access to the Facilities

  • There is no longer a limit on entry time
  • All passport checks are to be done at the front entrance
  • Please line up single file at the entrance to the facility and do not enter the facility until you have been screened by our Facility Host
  • Please do not prop open any doors around the facility. Doors found propped open could lead to a loss of ice privileges for the user group in attendance
  • If a parent wants to come in to assist and then leave, they have to show proof. If they can't they will have to get their child ready in the parking lot.

*NEW* as of Dec 22:

Occupancy Limits:

  • Planet Ice Maple Ridge (Cam Neely 600 spectators. Rink #2 100 spectators. Public Skate 150 max)


 Oct 29, 2021

Proof of Vaccination


  • Anyone born in 2009 or earlier (except athletes 12 – 21 years of age participating in a youth sport activity or Referees 19 years and under) will be required to present proof of vaccination. This includes a digital version or a paper copy of the BC Vaccine Passport and 1 piece of photo ID (youth 12 – 18 not required to show photo ID). Vaccination cards provided at immunization locations will not be accepted.
  • Beginning on October 4, it will be Pitt Meadows staff checking the proof of vaccination status before entry to the building takes place.


Proof of vaccination is not required for the following:


  • Anyone 0 – 11 years of age (athletes & spectators)
  • Athletes 12 – 21 participating in a youth sport activity
  • Referees under 19 years involved in a youth sport activity


Access to the Facilities

  • All passport checks will be done at the front entrance before entry is permitted.
  • If a parent wants to come in to assist and then leave, they have to show proof. If they can't they will have to get their child ready in the parking lot


COVID 19 Policy

We are in this together. The success of this hockey season will depend on every parent and athlete following procedures, being honest, and being smart. If you are reading this, we know you care so let's all model the following behaviors so that we can have a great hockey season.

1. If your athlete has been directly exposed to someone that has tested positive for COVID 19:

2. If your athlete has tested positive:

3. If your athlete is not feeling well:

  • Do Not Come to the Rink
  • Use the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool or call 811 to determine if you should have your athlete tested
  • Monitor athlete's health
  • Return to Rink only when there are Zero Signs or Symptoms

4. Only volunteers are allowed in the rink. You must be wearing a lanyard. 

  • You must wear a mask at all times.
  • Do not sit down or stand close to others - socially distance yourself
  • Always follow the facility rules
  • Sanitize your hands when entering & leaving the arena
  • If you see your athlete not following the rules and congregating without a face mask, please ask them to wear a mask and/or social distance
  • If there is reason to believe that you are in high risk of contracting COVID19 for any reason, please contact our COVID Officer: covid.officer@ridgemeadowshockey.com 


How do I find out if my son or daughter has been on the ice or in close contact with someone who has been ordered to Self Monitor due to being in contact with someone who has contracted COVID 19 (secondary contact)?

CLICK HERE for a list of ice times that have been identified as having someone who has had secondary contact with COVID 19. This does not mean that your athlete has been in direct contact with someone that has contracted COVID 19. As a reminder, health matters fall under the privacy act. Please do not post on social media or do anything that could jeopardize the individual's privacy or cause undue concern or alarm. 

What should I do when I have been in contact with someone who has contracted COVID 19 (secondary contact)?

Call 811 and Notify our COVID Officer: covid.officer@ridgemeadowshockey.com . While we require you to inform RMMHA of the incident, all details will be kept confidential. The Health Authority are the only ones that can clear you to return to RMMHA activities.

How do I find out if my son or daughter has been on the ice or in close contact with someone who has contracted COVID 19?

If an athlete or parent has contracted COVID 19 and you or your athlete has been in contact with them, you will be notified. 

What if my son or daughter has only minor symptoms that in any normal year I would ignore?

This is not a normal year. Please do not come to the rink until symptoms have disappeared and call 811 if symptoms persist or get worse. Our coaches have been instructed to send home athletes that are showing signs of illness and your son or daughter will then be required to have a physician's note in order to return to play.  

What if a parent or athlete has tested positive for COVID 19?

Notify our COVID Officer: covid.officer@ridgemeadowshockey.com and do not return to the rink. Once the health authority has stated that you and or your athlete are free from the virus and it is safe to return to the rink, notify us and await approval to return.  

For more information please see VIA Sport’s return to Sport Guidelines