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JANUARY 2-5, 2025




A little bit about Jim...

Like many young Canadian farm kids, Jim learned to skate on his family’s dugout pond.  When he was 10 years old he started playing hockey, and from that time on, hockey was his passion.  He continued to play minor hockey and mens league in Manitoba,  right through to the old-timer league here in BC until his passing in 2016.

Over the past 27 years Jim has coached nearly every level in the Ridge Meadows association, served on the Executive, and made countless contributions both on and off the ice.  He coached at the Midget AAA level for the past 20 years alongside his long time good friend Spence Levan. During their coaching time together,  their team brought home the gold and three silver in the Midget Provincial Championships, as well as three PCAHA championships.

During his time serving our association, Jim had a profound influence on hundreds of players that he coached. He also had great interactions with many coaches, managers, and parents.   Jim Lindsay without question had a large impact on our association; he was a leading example for all our members to aspire to.

In 1994 RMMHA created a new position called the Rep Coordinator, and the association turned to Jim to take on this job, making him our first Rep Coordinator, who set the standard for the position that is still held today.

Furthermore, during his time on the Executive he served on the committee tasked with branding our Rep Program.  After much debate and work the committee recommended “The Rustlers” moniker for approval and to this day the name “Rustlers” is still associated with RMMHA, and can be traced directly back to Jim Lindsay and his work on the committee.

In the 1996/97 season with the Midget AAA team, Jim was instrumental in starting another tradition in RMMHA, the “Red Sleeves” Midget AAA team jacket, which has become one of the most recognizable traditions in minor hockey in the Lower Mainland.

Jim worked on the design that would become the jacket, along with head coach Spence Levan, team manager Harry Trulsen and parent/sponsor Ed Coates (Lordco). This tradition still lives on with Lordco providing jackets yearly for the Midget A1 team.

Jim with pride would always say “You have to earn your ‘red sleeves’, nobody has ever been able to buy one”.